課程特色 Characteristics of Tzu Chi Academy
靜思語教學 Teaching of Jing Si Aphorism
靜思語,是證嚴法師在生活中悟出的智慧法語, 也是她每天身體力行, 落實到生活當中的一種生命教育。分享法師的語錄, 可以長養智慧、慈悲、善解與包容⋯⋯等等品德, 是一句句確切可行的生活指南。
自1989年出版第一集「靜思語」至今已三十年, 期間發行了英文版、日文版、德文版⋯⋯等, 不但跨越宗教, 也讓不同種族從中與生命對話,能去除心中的無明煩惱,啟發愛心與善念。 用在教育方面, 可培育學童端嚴心性與品格。 這是證嚴法師對教育志業的深切期許。 靜思語的內容豐富, 有:知足、感恩、孝順、精勤、 改過、 助人、布施⋯⋯等等。 靜思語可以讓孩子在內省與實踐中,耕耘出自己心中的一畝良田。 今天老師和志工就是播撒這些美善種子的農夫。 |
Jingsi Aphorisms” or “Still Thoughts” is a collection of Master Cheng Yen's thoughts on Buddhist teachings and
life lessons. Master Cheng Yen practices the teachings everyday, and she has always led a simple and virtuous life. Jingsi Aphorism transcends religion and race as it teaches about life, love and goodness to which everyone can relate. One may not be a Buddhist to benefit from Master’s undeniable thought provoking aphorism. Her books, in fact, contains her quotations translated in different languages such as: English, Chinese, Japanese, Russian and Spanish…etc. |
多樣化的人文課程有: 靜思茶道、靜思花道、心素食儀、 環保、手語。等等。 通常採用慈善、醫療(如慈濟醫院或醫療服務)、教育(如慈濟大學、慈濟技術學院、慈濟小學、慈濟中學、海外人文學校)、人文(慈濟人文志業中心、大愛電視、經典雜誌、慈濟月刊。。等等) 四大志業, 加上社區志工(慈濟各分支會所)、環保 (如慈濟環保教育站、大愛感恩科技公司)、國際賑災、骨髓捐贈, 一共八大腳印內。 採用人品典範的故事, 與慈濟志工的美善足跡。。。等等主題來安排課程, 用這些內容啟發孩子的悲心、善念, 學習尊重生命,培養孩子良好的品德與生活品味與美感。 |
Character Education/Social Emotional Learning (SEL) – is the process of developing the self-awareness, self-control, and interpersonal skills that are vital for school, work, and life success.
People with strong social-emotional skills are able to foster positive behavior, and make healthier life choices . It helps to cope with everyday challenges and benefit academically, professionally, and socially. From effective problem-solving to self-discipline, from impulse control to emotion management and more. Using the true stories from Tzu Chi Missions (Charity, Medicine, Education and Humanistic Culture) with others like International Relief, Bone Marrow Donor Registry, Environmental Protection, Volunteers to teach our children to cultivate virtues and positive behavior. Flower arrangement, Tea Ceremony and Sign Language are also part of the curriculum. |