好消息!!! 近期,慈濟美國人文學校,獲得「美國西部院校協會學校認證委員會」(ACS WASC)「語言與人文」(Language and Culture)類別教育項目認證;這代表,慈濟全美25所人文學校即日起皆成為WASC認證學校,此為慈濟在美國教育工作重要的里程碑。我校很榮幸能參與這次WASC的認證評鑑,提供我校在語言與人文教育的努力。非常感恩大家一起為我們的孩子及學校一起努力付出。相關中文報導在全美慈濟網站。
Good news!!! Recently, Tzu Chi Academy has obtained the "Language and Culture" category education program accreditation from the " The Accrediting Commission for Schools, Western Association of Schools and Colleges (ACS WASC)”; this means that the 25 Tzu Chi Academy’s in the United States have become WASC-accredited schools from now on, which is an important milestone for Tzu Chi’s education endeavor in the United States. Our school is honored to participate in this WASC accreditation evaluation and provided our school with its efforts in language and humanities education. Thank you very much for everyone's hard work for our children and school. Relevant news in Chinese is on the National Tzu Chi website. (“ACS WASC accreditation is an ongoing six-year cycle of quality whereby the school demonstrates the capacity, commitment, and competence to support high-quality student learning and ongoing school improvement.”)
Good news!!! Recently, Tzu Chi Academy has obtained the "Language and Culture" category education program accreditation from the " The Accrediting Commission for Schools, Western Association of Schools and Colleges (ACS WASC)”; this means that the 25 Tzu Chi Academy’s in the United States have become WASC-accredited schools from now on, which is an important milestone for Tzu Chi’s education endeavor in the United States. Our school is honored to participate in this WASC accreditation evaluation and provided our school with its efforts in language and humanities education. Thank you very much for everyone's hard work for our children and school. Relevant news in Chinese is on the National Tzu Chi website. (“ACS WASC accreditation is an ongoing six-year cycle of quality whereby the school demonstrates the capacity, commitment, and competence to support high-quality student learning and ongoing school improvement.”)
Tzu Chi Orchestra
一日志工 One day parent volunteers
As part of registration each year, parents of each student pledge to volunteer once per semester.
As part of registration each year, parents of each student pledge to volunteer once per semester.
150 East Main Street, Oyster Bay, NY 11771 聯絡方式: 一般事務: [email protected] 註冊: [email protected] 學校週日上課日期, 請參照學校行事曆 School Address: Oyster Bay High School 150 East Main Street Oyster Bay, NY 11771 School is in session on Sundays. See School Calendar for details. |
Tzu Chi Foundation USA, Long Island Branch 60 East Williston Ave East Williston, NY 11596 Tel: 516-873-6888 Fax: 516-746-0626 |