一日志工是誰? Who are the parent volunteers?
As part of registration each year, parents of each student pledge to volunteer once per semester.
As part of registration each year, parents of each student pledge to volunteer once per semester.
一日志工是什麼時候當志工? When do parent volunteers volunteer?
每班的家長會照排班表輪流當一日志工. 如果家長已經在擔任其他志工職務比如愛心媽媽,行政人員或者老師他們就不必報到. 這些擔任其他職務的志工仍然會受到表揚. 一日志工九點送學生到教室之後集合,一直到11:30結束. 家長在點心時間可以去照顧小孩子. 活動結束之後必須到愛心站填寫問卷.
The parents of each class are scheduled to volunteer following a rotating schedule. If the parent is already a regular volunteer, such as an Aixin Mom, Administrative Staff or Teacher that day, they are excused. They will still be recognized as a parent volunteer in class. The volunteers start at 9:00 after the students have been ushered to class until 11:30. Parents will be able to attend to the children during snack time. Afterwards, each parent needs to complete a survey at the Aixin Station.
The parents of each class are scheduled to volunteer following a rotating schedule. If the parent is already a regular volunteer, such as an Aixin Mom, Administrative Staff or Teacher that day, they are excused. They will still be recognized as a parent volunteer in class. The volunteers start at 9:00 after the students have been ushered to class until 11:30. Parents will be able to attend to the children during snack time. Afterwards, each parent needs to complete a survey at the Aixin Station.
一日志工的工作內容是什麼? What do the parent volunteers do?
當天集合的時候會讓家長互相認識,然後說明學校的各個運作環節. 說明完畢一日志工就會被派到各個崗位執行任務.
The one day parent volunteers meet and get to know each other, followed by a walk through of the school's operations. Afterwards they are assigned to various stations and tasks.
The one day parent volunteers meet and get to know each other, followed by a walk through of the school's operations. Afterwards they are assigned to various stations and tasks.
我們為什麼需要一日志工? Why do we have the parent volunteer program?
當學生,老師,還有行政志工看到家長也投入就會加強核心價值 - 比如: 社區參與,學校榮譽感還有互相尊重
Only the teachers draw a salary at our school so it is imperative that we reach out to the parents to help with our school.
By seeing the parents pitch in, this strengthens core values in our students, teachers and staff such as community engagement, pride in our school and respect for each other.
We further reinforce the importance of volunteering by recognizing the parent volunteers in class each week.
當學生,老師,還有行政志工看到家長也投入就會加強核心價值 - 比如: 社區參與,學校榮譽感還有互相尊重
Only the teachers draw a salary at our school so it is imperative that we reach out to the parents to help with our school.
By seeing the parents pitch in, this strengthens core values in our students, teachers and staff such as community engagement, pride in our school and respect for each other.
We further reinforce the importance of volunteering by recognizing the parent volunteers in class each week.
一日志工反饋 Parent volunteer testimonials
"It was a good experience. AiXin BaBa was very informative and explained our roles well. "
"The volunteer event was fun and I was glad that I was part of it. "
"The volunteer event was fun and I was glad that I was part of it. "